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[GLOBAL DEBOUT] ‪#‎NOlist‬ ‪

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[GLOBAL DEBOUT] ‪#‎NOlist‬ ‪ Empty [GLOBAL DEBOUT] ‪#‎NOlist‬ ‪

Message par Pascal Dk Ven 20 Mai - 16:23

Je renvoie ici le lancement du projet #NOlist qui s'est décidé le week-end de Global Debout à Paris, par la commission internationale.

Pour suivre les infos il faudra passer par Telegram

La #NOlist est ici : http://nolist.org
Il faudra vous créer un compte pour y ajouter vos propositions

Dear all,
During the last past week of preparation of the 15M Global Debout (GD) mobilization, first ingredients for the #NOlist (the “name and shame +alternatives” campaign decided by GD international activists on the 8th in Paris) had been gathered by the GD Paris (Com Int) and other international GD contacts.
On the 15M, the “NOList campaign” was communicated internationally in social networks, including in France where it proved a lot of interest in the mainstream media (#NOList= main topic conveyed by Agence France Press AFP on the 15M).

As promised, here come some documents of reference for the #NOlist project:
1. A broad picture of the #NOlist campaign model defined on the 8th and lastweek, in English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and French
> GD Paris press release on the day after the 15M (to load, modify and use): https://titanpad.com/vXoFdy5blJ
2 A concrete proposal for the webtools and action plan for a launching of #NOlist soon:
shared document: https://mensuel.framapad.org/p/Os5w6I6GDB
3. A telegram list for the #NOlist campaign,fully international (English working langage) has just been established, please join us if you want to be actively involved
Telegram: https://telegram.me/joinchat/Dk13VAeGFBqoQGFvFJs_AQ

Below, you will find a 2 paragraph synthesis of the 2nd document: the concrete proposal for the webtools and actions plan (1. legal dimension 2. Technical constraints and possibilities).

You should read at least this synthesis (below) in order to answer to the 2 following questions:
- Is that #NOlist campaign proposal working for you, and would you like to involve your GD city in the launching soon?
- Would you agree to have and nominate 2 persons in your city that could serve as “#NOlist referents” ? This for any need of quick international move from all cities together, in addition to all gather all interested people in the international #NOList telegram. Ideally, #NOlist referents – they will turn over - would work in English, and have or coordinate with digital campaign skills + and great if access to press relation capacities too. Polyglottes people could serve as international press contacts. For #NOlist referents, please send your contact there: Intnuitdebout@riseup.net

Looking for hearing from you all !

Global Debout Paris

In the document above on concrete proposal for the webtools and action plan, you will find that:
We have been working on the legal and digital technical aspects: for legal reasons, we suggest to use 2 different digital plateforms, one to nominate NoCompanies (the#NOlist plateform), and one to promote alternative, the Plaform for Alternatives. The first digital platform where to nominate companies has of version 0 (currently being migrated to english version) that some people have been finding and filling by themselves and that you can find here: Nolist.org
Concretely about the tools that we need, we suggest a two-steps approach: first use two existing plateform. Meanwhile, we should start immediately after the launch of the tools Version 1, to work on building our own websites all together.

The objective would be to launch a new NOcompany every 15th of the month, the keep up with the 15M successful international mobilization. Thus to work on Cocacola this month with our Spanish friends and Cocacola en lucha, and to prepare the launch of a new (first elected by people) NOcompany in 3 weeks, which require launching the webtools asap. We think that the short-term existing tools could be operational for the #NOlist campaign within a few days. Currently, a French and a spanish developers are working on it.

THERE IS MORE: https://mensuel.framapad.org/p/Os5w6I6GDB
Pascal Dk
Pascal Dk

Messages : 17
Date d'inscription : 08/04/2016

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